Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reliability vs Validity problem

Reliability is a vital component of a valid psychological test. What is reliability? How do we measure it? Reliability is an important part of any good psychological test. Simply put, reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable if we get the same result repeatedly. Learn more about reliability in psychology tests.

When determining the merits of a psychological test, validity is one of the most important factors to consider. What is validity? Psychological assessment is an important part of both experimental research and clinical treatment. One of the greatest concerns when creating a psychological test is whether or not it actually measures what we think it is measuring. For example, a test might be designed to measure a stable personality trait, but instead measure transitory emotions generated by situational or environmental conditions. A valid test ensures that the results are an accurate reflection of the dimension undergoing assessment.

Psychology Research Methods Link

I am very headache with my research project right now. I just realise that translated version is always have this reliability check but not neccessarily validated. How to solve this problem? Can't help not to stop worrying about this matter for these few days :(